Wednesday, August 13, 2008

To the Quack Dr. and Evan's Plunge

Tomorrow I get to have some interesting experiences in life. The first experience I get is going to an 85 year old Dr. who practices natural medicine and has some weird ways to treat people. I normally would not even consider this but so many people in this town have sworn by the guy saying that he has treated their allergies effectively. I am going to try it oping that my wheat allergy can be fixed as well as allergies to ragweed and crap like that. I will let you know if this works or if I get ripped off. The next experience is going to Evan's Plunge in Hot Springs, SD which is the same place the quack doc is located. It is a water slide park that is fed by natural hot springs, hence the name Hot Springs, SD. I just love the name of the place, but usually when I hear Evan's plunge it just reminds me of a plugged toilet not that you needed to visualize that image.

- One week until teachers report to work
- Yankees suck, lost to Twins
- 4 out of 5 podiatrists recommend that people where shoes when walking over broken glass on a bridge heading west during a full moon and in the evening.

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